November 12, 2012

Fascinating: How Los Angeles Voted

Are you sick of talking about election stuff?  Sorry.

Well, no, not really.  This isn't really talking politics... it's more talking demographics.

My brother sent me this fascinating link to show how LA voted in Tuesday's presidential election by percentage and number of votes cast for each candidate.

This breaks down every single Los Angeles county precinct.  It only measures ballots cast in person (no absentee ballots).

I spent a long time zooming in and clicking around -- it's so entertaining!

Los Angeles is home to many extraordinarily wealthy neighborhoods, but the super-high-income areas that voted conservatively are very concentrated (ahem, Beverly Hills), with just a small blip in the Palisades and the Brentwood canyons (and, what I'm pretty sure is a very Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in mid-city -- fellow Angelenos, let me know what you think that neighborhood is!).  Otherwise, LA is blue as the sea.  (Yip, I went there.)


  1. this makes me extra proud of my parents for the way they voted :)

    1. I think Palos Verdes' demographics are kind of given away by that one street that is lined with dozens and dozens of flags, huh?
