December 19, 2012

What to Put in a Stocking

Stockings are under-ratedly tough to do right. When people think stockings, the normal sentiment is "Oh, stockings! They're so fun and easy! Just put in lotsa lil' stuff!"

:: image via pinterest ::

But if you want to do a stocking right, like, "Omg, this stocking is full of good, useful, cool stuff!" it takes a bit more thought.

Speaking on behalf of all ladies, here are 10 things I think we'd all be happy to find in our stockings:
1. A pair of black opaque tights
2. A couple pairs of whatever nicer underwear we tend to wear
3. A pair of athletic socks
4. A good lip balm, like maybe this Fresh one, this Kiehl's one, or a nice shea butter one
5. A book you heard was good that you think we might like
6. A splurge-y special nail polish (aaaah all the colors are so good it's killing me!)
7. An ultra fine-tipped Sharpie and a metallic gold Sharpie
8. A Toblerone bar
9. A mix CD (or some burned CDs you think we might like)
10. A pack of these soft hair ties

What did I miss? What else would make a great stocking stuffer?

Also: Do you wrap gifts that go in stockings? My family always did! We'd wrap even the tiniest thing. Going through the process of unwrapping everything was part of the fun. When I went to spend Christmas with my husband's family I was in shock to learn they didn't! Apparently lots of people don't wrap stocking stuffers. Where do you stand?

P.S. I looooved this post about 10 great things to give. (Don't worry - it's actual things. Not, like, "appreciation." That doesn't count.)


  1. I hope Santa is as creative as you are! Merry Christmas

  2. Stocking gifts are always wrapped in my family too. We had a rule that you could open the stocking gifts as soon as you woke up, which was enough to tide us over (barely) until our parents got up.

    I always appreciate fun socks (striped, argyle, etc.), a Baggu bag, good chocolate and travel-size toiletries (useful!).

    Love that list from Oh Happy Day too!

  3. Stockings are not wrapped in our fam. The girls all get variations on the same thing, so the anticipation is in seeing how yours differs from your sis or sister-in-law, i.e., three different necklaces or three different scarves, etc.

    My mom always does a pack of our fav underwear which we so appreciate. She also gifts all us girls a pretty make-up palette, or a gloss/lipstick combo in just the right colors for each girl. We love it.

    Toblerone and opaque tights-great calls!

  4. @Sarah - that is a nice and cute way to handle having 3 women of the same-ish age/demographic. Keeps everything sweet and fair :)

    @Anjali: How did I forget a Baggu bag??? YESSSSS.

    @KKS: "Santa" read this post!
