October 9, 2011

I still enjoy a good boy band reference...

You guys,

My friend Tara sent me this boy band parody ad for a British organic/ethical dairy farm.

Ummmm I love it.

First of all, this screen grab looks like an alt-Danielle Radcliffe with an alt-Hedwig.  Secondly, it's really well done!  I didn't think a boy band parody would work in 2011 (and seriously... a little bit late on the game, Yeo Valley?), but as someone who vividly remembers BSB and N*Sync on the radio, this makes me smile and is like comfort food music to me.

Also, I would totally eat their ethical yogurt now!



  1. OMG that is so well-done! did they just hire models to lip synch? who did this???

  2. Isn't it strange? Like the production value is almost too high for a joke video, right?
