October 19, 2012

Hands Down, Best Kids Halloween Costume. Ever.

Okay, I have an update to my post about kid Halloween costumes.

This has got to take the cake, by far...

These two cuties are Joaquin and Gabriella, my parents' neighbors.  I've met them once in person, but I'm basically obsessed with them, for obvious reasons.

For Halloween last year, Gabriella was Frida Kahlo, and Joaquin was "a Mariachi guy."  I love her unibrow and his black moustache with his white-blond hair.  Too flippin' cute.

:: yes, they often holds hand like that. ::

Because I often like to end with a question, I'll ask one I'm sure you can all relate to: Do your parents have neighborhood kids that you are totally obsessed with? :)


  1. I am obsessed with my kids for obvious reasons. Jameson is going to be a sushi chef and Ruby is going to be a sushi roll.

  2. OMG that is ridiculously cute! They're beautiful.
    @Lindsay, we're going to need a picture of that Ruby sushi roll.

  3. And the holding hands... can you believe how sweet???

  4. @Lindsay: Ha! You're allowed to be obsessed with your own kids, for sure. I forgot about that option :)

    Can't WAIT to see the sushi chef/roll duo pic!!!!

    @KKS: I can't believe how sweet, actually.
