October 16, 2012

Tip Tuesday!: No More Sunscreen in Your Eyes

Do you know what the worst thing is?  Sweating sunscreen into your eyes.  Especially when you're sweating because you're exercising and you have 3 miles left of your run and the only thing you can think about is how THERE IS SUNSCREEN ALL UP IN YOUR EYES AND YOUR WICKING SHIRT ISN'T GOOD AT DRYING YOUR FACE OFF AND DISLODGING THE SUNSCREEN FROM YOUR EYES AND WHY WON'T THIS SUNSCREEN EVER GET OUT OF YOUR EYES.  GAAAAAAAH!!!!

:: Homeboy, I relate. ::

Okay, this tip is for a very specific audience, but I think it's a good one:
It's for those who exercise outdoors and wear a hat while doing so.  And wear sunscreen.  Basically, I'm writing a tip for myself.  But I hope it will resonate with some reader out there and change his or her life the way it changed mine.

Are you ready?

Only apply sunscreen below your eyes!  You can go up to the top of your nose and around your temples, but don't put sunscreen anywhere where it will sweat down into your eyes.

Because you're wearing a hat, that part of your face is covered with the hat and/or perfectly shaded.

It works like a charm.



  1. this is hilarious because i did yoga on sunday and got wicked sunscreen in my eyes!!!

  2. love the "i'm writing a tip for myself"

  3. @kerry: You should be doing this! Except you probably can't wear a hat during yoga, huh? Was it outdoors? If it's indoors, you should carry those face wash towlettes with you to take it off before class!

    And yes, the tip was for myself... except that obviously, I already know/do the tip. Ha.
