October 5, 2012

theSkimm: Smart & Fun News Resource

I heard about theSkimm earlier this week over on Born and Bread and was intrigued... A daily email delivered first thing in the morning summarizing everything important that's going on in the news in bite-sized bits that make sense in layman's terms, but still smart.

I signed up right away, and I love it!  I particularly liked the bonus theSkimm's Guide to Debate #1 that came out this week.

It's a great way to stay caught up on the news, and the two women (and besties!) who run the company keep the writing fun and chatty, like you're getting the news from your favorite coworker who can tell you all about Anne Hathaway's Big Sur wedding before you knew it happened but is also a foreign policy whiz who always wears the best scarves and has a secret stash of Trader Joe's Peanut Butter Cups you are always welcome to.  (Where is this coworker?  I want her!)

Sign up!  It's super not invasive or annoying, and you have nothing to lose -- you'll just get smarter!


  1. I LOVE this. I'm busy and important and I don't have time to read the Economist EVERY week.

  2. I love it too! It's been great so far. Keeps me from falling down the rabbit holes that are the Huffington Post and cnn, etc.

    1. I wish I could say it curbs my internet browsing, but it just frees up more time for non news sources :)

  3. I just signed up! Also I love this dream co-worker...although she sounds almost TOO perfect, I feel like one day she'd just turn really cold and you'd never know why and you'd feel so bad about it until years later you find out from someone else that she's crazy.

  4. WOW. I've been waiting for a site like this. Or maybe I wasn't but the site sounds so perfect that it seems like exactly what I've been waiting for.

    1. I know, right? (Lease useful comment ever.)
