July 30, 2012

Best Olympics moment yet

I'm so glad this has gone viral, because I lost my mind with joy when I saw this last night!!!  (I wouldn't watch a video if I didn't know what it was, so here's what it is: Gymnast Alexandra Reisman's parents get super weird while watching her perform.)

Is Kristen Wiig bummed she (A) left SNL and (B) SNL isn't on in the summer?  She'd be a shoe-in!

Can there be a channel that just broadcasts Olympian parents while their children compete?  I'd settle for a split screen, too.

Speaking of Olympic parents, the P&G Olympic mom videos are pretty amazing.

Kerri Walsh-Jenning's mom is the mom I would least like to have to run into year after year at a neighborhood Christmas party.

I didn't watch all these videos (YET!), so I can't say who my favorite, favorite, favorite Olympic mom is, but Shawn Johnson's mom is darling, and if we went to the same neighborhood Christmas party, I bet she'd give really warm, meaningful hugs.

Olympic Torches

Feeling very proud of these Olympic torches* I made to snack on while having friends over to watch the (weird) opening ceremonies**.

* Psst: They're not actual torches.  They are cheddar popcorn in cake cones.

** Does anybody know if Kenneth Branagh is acting or just being himself when he makes expressions like this?  I honestly don't know.

July 29, 2012

Round up: Cutest Breeds of Puppies

I know this is going to be a majorly controversial post.  But I'm just going to put my opinion out there...  Okay, here are the 5 breeds of puppies that I think are the cutest.  Note: this is not about individual puppies/puppy photos that are the cutest.  This is about general breeds that, on the whole, produce very cute puppies.  My measurement scale was to what extent would I go "OH MY GOD THAT PUPPY IS CUTE AND I WANT TO RUB MY FACE ON ITS FUR" if I saw someone walking around my neighborhood with one.

So, in descending order...

#5 Shiba Inu

#4 Huskie (or, as I like to call them, Direwolf puppies)

TIE for #2 Golden Retriever & Labrador Retriever

And #1 is...............


Okay, tell me: How did I do?  What am I missing?  Who doesn't deserve a space on the list?