December 19, 2012

What to Put in a Stocking

Stockings are under-ratedly tough to do right. When people think stockings, the normal sentiment is "Oh, stockings! They're so fun and easy! Just put in lotsa lil' stuff!"

:: image via pinterest ::

But if you want to do a stocking right, like, "Omg, this stocking is full of good, useful, cool stuff!" it takes a bit more thought.

Speaking on behalf of all ladies, here are 10 things I think we'd all be happy to find in our stockings:
1. A pair of black opaque tights
2. A couple pairs of whatever nicer underwear we tend to wear
3. A pair of athletic socks
4. A good lip balm, like maybe this Fresh one, this Kiehl's one, or a nice shea butter one
5. A book you heard was good that you think we might like
6. A splurge-y special nail polish (aaaah all the colors are so good it's killing me!)
7. An ultra fine-tipped Sharpie and a metallic gold Sharpie
8. A Toblerone bar
9. A mix CD (or some burned CDs you think we might like)
10. A pack of these soft hair ties

What did I miss? What else would make a great stocking stuffer?

Also: Do you wrap gifts that go in stockings? My family always did! We'd wrap even the tiniest thing. Going through the process of unwrapping everything was part of the fun. When I went to spend Christmas with my husband's family I was in shock to learn they didn't! Apparently lots of people don't wrap stocking stuffers. Where do you stand?

P.S. I looooved this post about 10 great things to give. (Don't worry - it's actual things. Not, like, "appreciation." That doesn't count.)

December 14, 2012

3 Tips to Get Better at Awkward Small Talk

You guys: this is a major Christmas party weekend coming up. And you know what that means: small talk. Ugh.

At a social gathering, I'd always rather just have a long conversation in the corner with a good friend than meet someone new (or someone I don't know well at all) and have to go through all the awkward motions.  Let's face it: it's hard to be friendly at sociable at a party with people you don't really know.  But on the other hand, if it works, it's so fun to make a few friend and feel like you've connected with somebody.

It's important to get comfortable with small talk for 3 reasons:
1. It's polite and nice.
2. You can't make new friends without putting yourself out there through conversation, and it usually needs to start small.
3. We're adults and need to figure this out. Seriously, guys.

:: January Jones being charming at a party, via pinterest ::

I've made an effort to try to improve at the art of small talk over the last year, and I'd like to share some tips with you:

1. Find a small talk role model
Who in your life always seems to handle social situations with warmth and grace and seems friendly and easy to talk to? Stalk that person! Or at least observe him/her when you're in a social situation together. What does he/she do? Body language? Tone? Conversation starters?

My personal role model always seems genuinely to happy to see people... and who can resist when someone is delighted that you're there? It automatically fosters a sense of warmth and familiarity, even if the basis isn't there. Starting with friendliness is a small talk lubricant.

2. Change your mind-set. 
It's not awkward to make small talk, it's a universal kindness. (Remember, the person you hardly know in this conversation probably isn't super-excited to figure out how to talk to you, either.) You are doing a huge social favor by putting yourself out there and helping to move the conversation along.

3. Come prepared.  
It sounds calculated, but come ready with some easy questions you ask. I'll give you a really easy one for this weekend:
What are you doing for the holidays?

Boom. It's so easy. Yes, it's obvious, but it opens things up really easily! You'll find out where people are from, what their families are like, what their holiday traditions are, etc.

I like to avoid asking any question I wouldn't enjoy answering. Those include "So, what have you been up to lately?" and "What do you do for a living?"

So there: you have all my wisdom. How do you handle weird small talk? What are your tips?

December 12, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Holiday Tipping

This is the time of year when a bunch of articles pop up about holiday tipping etiquette.

These always freak me out at first, because there seems to be a really long list of people who I supposedly owe $100, until I realize I don't have many service providers who are the tip recipient type. (Uh, no Emily Post. I don't have a regular massage therapist, physical trainer, pool cleaner, or doorman.)

:: image via pinterest ::

If you do have regular service providers, the standard guide seems to be "pay an extra time". So, ideally, you'd tip:
- your housekeeper: whatever you pay for a cleaning visit
- your hair stylist: double the tip your normally leave
- your regular babysitter: what you generally pay for a night of services

Pretty straight forward. And expensive. Sigh.

Also, it seems like every year I hear people talk about tipping mail carriers. Heads up, folks: they are federal employees. They can't accept cash or gift cards. (Only gifts clearly under $20 in value or a snack/treat.)

Remember: be a sweetheart of a tipper -- always include a handwritten note with your tip expressing gratitude for services provided throughout the year.

Emily Post's full tipping guide is here.

Who will you be tipping this season?

December 6, 2012

Game of Thrones: Is Winter Ever Coming?!

...Do you ever feel like Game of Thrones is NEVER going to come back?

:: I picked this picture for the Direwolf puppies.  Also, I really like Bran. ::

At least this video with little interview-ettes with all the new cast members was released recently:
  I haven't read book 3, so this really means nothing to me, but it fires me up.  Especially Gareth from "The Office", the guy with the weird top-knot and all the cute kids.  Can't wait!

December 4, 2012

Tip Tuesday: A New Way to Think About Holiday Eating

Every internet visit this time of year seems to feature a lot of articles about ways to avoid gaining weight over the holidays.  ("Make a plan before you go out!", "Only allow yourself one dessert!", "Station yourself near the veggie platter!", "Eat before you go!")

I recently read an interesting tip that was initially about weight loss generally, but I thought could be a good intention to set for the month of December.

Instead of making rules around what you can't eat, just make sure to eat 6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Back when I was doing my cleanse last February, I followed the same standards, and I noticed that it kind of forces you into healthy choices because it takes effort to eat 6 servings of produce.  If it's 3pm and you realize you haven't had any fruits or vegetables that day, you're going to reach for a piece of fruit instead of a holiday cookie because you've got numbers to hit!

I'm sure this concept wouldn't work for everyone, but I know I'm much better motivated by positive choices rather than deprivation rules.

What do you think?  Would this work for you?

December 3, 2012

Rainy Weekend

Yay!  I've been hoping for a rainy weekend because it makes it feel okay to be a lazy bones.

With the exception going for an epic-ly long run (I almost cried at the end, it was so long), after which I met two favorite friends for a fun brunch, I lazy bones-ed it up big times.

Some highlights:

1. Watching two (two!) movies, thanks to screeners my husband had...
Guys, go see it!  I totally liked it.  With the exception of the really good special effects, this movie totally could have been made in 1996, and I mean that as a compliment.  (Weren't the mid-90s like the Golden Age of Cinema for our generation?)  It was just missing Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts.

This is 40
"This is 40"?  More like "This is What Happens When You Are Successful And People Don't Say No to You So Can't Evaluate if Your Ideas are Good or Not".  Zing!  (Travis had a better pitch: "This is 40... out of 100")

This is how I think this movie got made: Judd and Leslie were out to dinner with some industry friends, telling a story about their kids being adorable and precocious but also driving them nuts (kids!), and their friends went "OMG, this is SO FUNNY.  Seriously, you guys have to write all this down and turn it into a movie!  I'm so serious!"  And then they did.  Without thinking about how a movie should be, like, interesting and maybe have a point.

To be fair, there were a few things I liked in this movie:
  • Performances by Iris Apatow, Charlene Yi and Melissa McCarthy
  • The whole thing took place in our neighborhood, so it was fun to see where they shot certain scenes
  • A few funny moments that felt authentic
But overall, don't go see this.  I was really excited when we got this screener, but listen to me: you don't need to.  It's not very good, and it's very annoying.

Actually, I hope some of you see this so we can get together and talk about what specifically was so annoying about it.  I have theories.

2. Wearing these Lululemon sweatpants all weekend...
My Christmas wish for all of you is that you could have these pants and wear them all the time.  They are so comfortable and snuggly.  (They are mostly sold out online, but they have a few sizes left.)  Yes, they are a very bizarre cut with a gathered elastic ankle, but that is a huge component of what makes them so fantastic to wear.

3. Four episodes of Law & Order: SVU...
These episodes were all from season 2.  Different characters!  Different Mariska haircuts!  I am so glad I got hooked on this show!

4. Sunday New York Times with some especially ridiculous articles...
This Jude Law feature was my favorite.  The article spent a lot of time talking about how Jude Law is 40 now, and what a relief it is for Jude not to be a young pretty boy anymore... Now his looks are fading (I'm serious; this is the article), and he can really just relax and focus on being an actor without the burden of being handsome and stuff, since now he's old and gross.

And then it goes on to show many different pictures of Jude Law looking very, very handsome, per usual.  Amazing.

How did you spend the first December weekend of the year?

November 27, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Make This Amazing Hot Spiced Cider

Okay, this isn't a tip, in the traditional "quick 'n easy tips!" sense, but this is a tip that will change the way you are seen by others this holiday season.  (Namely, you will be seen as the person who makes the best hot spiced cider ever.)

You guys: next social gathering this season, you must make this awesome hot spiced cider from the really great ladies over at Apples & Onions

:: yum! pic from apples & onions ::

I've made this three (three!) times in the last month, and it's a massive hit.

Warning: Don't even think about making this if you don't want the house to smell amazing!

You can follow the recipe as written at the link, but I've made a few adjustments and made it a double batch, so my version is as follows:

Hot Spiced Cider
(serves a small crowd)
1 gallon fresh pressed apple juice (I get two of the half gallons of the refrigerated apple juice from Trader Joes -  yum!)
2 organic apples*
2 organic oranges*
juice of two lemons
4 cinnamon sticks
a palm-full of whole cloves
+ some booze to have on the side

* Since the rind of these fruits is simmering into the cider, it's good to get organic.

Begin to gently heat the apple juice on the stove.  Add the lemon juice and cinnamon sticks.  Zest one of the oranges into the cider mixture.  Stud the apples and oranges (including the one you zested) with the cloves by pushing the pointy narrow end into the fruit.  Add them to the cider.  Once it is hot and delicious smelling, you're good to go!

You can add in the alcohol, but I prefer to leave it to the side of the stove so people can self-spike and it's a kid/non-drinker friendly beverage.  (I left a bottle of whiskey and dark rum out at Thanksgiving.)

November 20, 2012

Tip Tuesday!: Remember Where You Parked

Here's a confession: every Tip Tuesday, I worry that my tips aren't tips at all, but just things that everybody in the world already knows and does.  I have such a concern for today's tip.  But whatever.  Maybe you don't do it.  You should.

When you go to the airport this Thanksgiving (or the mall this holiday season) (or anywhere, anytime, really), take a picture of where you parked.

Like this.  My phone is always handy at that point, and I don't need to worry at all (while I'm also worrying if, by some bizarre turn of events, I left my drivers license in my living room) about remembering where I parked when I return.

Fun games you can play, using the picture above:
1. Can you guess where I went to school using only the clues in the picture?
2. Come up with three nice ways to tell me my legs don't normally look that stubby in colored denim.  (Challenge version: You can't use "it's just a weird reflection" as any of the ways.)

November 15, 2012

What To Do If You're Being Followed

This weekend, I finally started watching Law & Order: SVU.  Friends, I should have been listening to you all along.  It's great.  (The first episode I saw was a 2008 re-run guest starring Luke Perry and Julie Bowen as a married couple who are foster parents.  Turns out, Julie Bowen had been raped shortly before she met Luke Perry... but it turned out... Luke Perry was her rapist.  Aaaah!)

Shortly after my new addiction started, something semi-creepy (and ultra "lite" Law & Order: SVU) happened.  I went to go run some errands on foot in my neighborhood, and noticed a weird guy following me.  I took note of him right away, because he was strange looking, and wearing a black tank top and sunglasses (and it was fairly chilly out) and saw that he started walking my way.  Yucky, but it was a normal street, and lots of people walk.  I went into a store to run an errand, and a minute after I'd left, noticed the guy was right behind me again.  He'd waited while I was in there and was following me.  Gross.  I went into the next store and saw that he was dawdling outside.

:: cutest creepy image ever! ::

So.  I began to think about what to do...  I wasn't fearful for my safety, really -- it was broad daylight and there were people about, but I was about to walk back to my apartment, and I certainly didn't want this person following me.

I thought about calling a cab from the store, but that seemed kind of over the top, and my apartment was six blocks away.  I also thought about turning around and yelling: STOP FOLLOWING ME!, but that made me nervous, too.  Before I got much further, I noticed that the store had a back exit, so I left that way and, for good measure, made one more errand-stop before I went home.  It did the trick.

But I wondered: what should you do if you feel you are being followed?

I'm sure Gavin de Becker's The Gift of Fear would have some good advice, but I have tried to read that book four times and find the intro way, way, way, way, way too scary to keep reading the book.  Fortunately, the internet has lots of good advice.

So, here's what to do if you feel you're being followed on foot by someone who is also on foot:
1.  Trust your instinct.  We all have a safety-based sixth sense.  If you think someone is following you, someone probably is.
2.  Stay calm.  Try not to freak the f out.
3.  Check out your follower.  Looking back to see if you're being followed is totally allowed!  It's good to let the creepy person know you're onto them.
4.  Get around other people.  If you're in a public place, get around other people (and light, if it's dark out).  Walk with a crowd, go into a business or restaurant, etc.  Depending on how unsafe you feel, this would be a good time to call authorities/ask for help.  Usually, this will get your follower to leave you alone, but if you're still being followed...
5.  Make a scene.  Yell something!  Good ones are "LEAVE ME ALONE!" or "STOP FOLLOWING ME!" or "FIRE!"  (Apparently, it's much more effective to yell "FIRE!" than "HELP!")  If this doesn't fix it...
6.  Run.  Get distance between you and your follower.  If you're still being followed (sorry!), call the police and...
7.  Drop your purse.  But hang on to your keys (good weapon) and phone (for safety).  Hopefully this is all your follower wants.  If not (oh no!  This is terrible!), call the police and...
8.  Fight back.  Scratch, kick, scream, aim where it hurts.  If you get forced into a car, do whatever you can to force a car crash and try to escape in the confusion.
9.  Don't go straight home.  Try to go to someone else's home, if you know they'll be there, or stop elsewhere first.

There you have it!  What do you think of this list?  Anything seem crazy?  Anybody have any scary stores to share?

November 13, 2012

Tip Tuesday: How to Keep Bagged Salad Fresh

Sometimes I go through phases where I buy all my produce at the farmers market every week.  But mostly I go through phases where I don't do that, and buy food at Trader Joe's, even though it's been packaged for a long time and isn't as fresh. 

During one of my good phases, a farmers market vendor taught me to store the lettuce I was buy from him with a paper towel in the bag.  As moisture gets in, the paper towel soaks up the water and keeps it off the lettuce, keeping it fresher longer.  Awesome.

But normally I buy bagged salads at the grocery store, and they spoil sooooo easily once they're opened.  So I applied my farmer trick:

It works like a charm.  Hooray!

November 12, 2012

Fascinating: How Los Angeles Voted

Are you sick of talking about election stuff?  Sorry.

Well, no, not really.  This isn't really talking politics... it's more talking demographics.

My brother sent me this fascinating link to show how LA voted in Tuesday's presidential election by percentage and number of votes cast for each candidate.

This breaks down every single Los Angeles county precinct.  It only measures ballots cast in person (no absentee ballots).

I spent a long time zooming in and clicking around -- it's so entertaining!

Los Angeles is home to many extraordinarily wealthy neighborhoods, but the super-high-income areas that voted conservatively are very concentrated (ahem, Beverly Hills), with just a small blip in the Palisades and the Brentwood canyons (and, what I'm pretty sure is a very Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in mid-city -- fellow Angelenos, let me know what you think that neighborhood is!).  Otherwise, LA is blue as the sea.  (Yip, I went there.)

November 9, 2012

Time Change Bummer

Guys.  I hate standard time.  Can we just all agree to just stay on daylight savings time forever???  Can that be something President Obama does this term?  Please?  Should I tweet that to him?  Will you guys sign a petition?
:: coincidence that it looks like this guy is committing suicide by falling off a building?  i don't think so. ::

When it gets darker earlier, a few things happen:
1.  I want to eat all the time from 4:30pm on -- if it's dark for that many hours, we should be allowed two dinners!
2.  I can't bring myself to exercise after work in the darkness.  (I don't belong to a gym.)
3.  I get super bummed!

I remembered that this same time last year I emailed my brother (who lives in Seattle) and my friend Tara (who lives in Alaska) to be all "OMG I'm dying.  How do you do it in your northern parts???"

If you are feeling like you're about to fall into a pit of darkness-induced depression, here is their wisdom from last year:

My brother said that November's basically the worst month because we haven't yet adjusted to the darkness, and it's getting worse every day.  I think that's a good point.  While it's still getting darker in December, it seems like holiday lights and cheer kind of distract me.  Then after the holidays, it's getting lighter every day -- woohoo!

And this is how Tara started her email to me: "Admittedly, dark places aren't for everyone :)"  Ha.  True dat.  I'm dying here in Los Angeles because it is 60 degrees (brrrrr...) and dark at 5pm.  I couldn't handle Alaska.  Tara recommended going for a walk during the work day to grab lunch or coffee just to remember that there is indeed daylight in the world.  (She also said she went for a run with friends in 7 degree weather.  She is basically an American hero.)

What tips do you have for dealing with the darkness?  Please.  Help me.

November 6, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Allow Extra Commute Time This Week

Guys.  Traffic be bad these days.

:: traffic in Los Angeles, 1949 ::

So here's today's tip: Allow extra time on your commute this week.  (Or, just know that you'll be running late for work -- either works for me.) 

Did you know that traffic is always bad the week after a time change?  Traffic slows way down, and there's some evidence that shows that the accident rate goes up.

The cause is two-fold:
1. Circadian rhythms get thrown off in a time change, which basically gives everyone the effect of mild jet lag, which makes us all feel less alert and a little more crazy.
2. The sun/lighting falls in a different place than we are used to on our drive, and it's a big adjustment, usually an adjustment of a ton of sun being in your eyes.

Sigh.  Just another reason to hate the time change... I'm already prepared for the fact that I'm going to get really depressed soon... stay tuned for an inevitable post about beating the dark-days blues!

October 31, 2012

Book Review!: Barefoot Contessa "Foolproof"

You guys.  I love Ina Garten.  My lovely family and friends even threw me a Barefoot Contessa themed bridal shower.  (I know.  I know.  It's amazing.  I should really post about that.)

So obviously I pre-ordered Foolproof, her newest book, so it would arrive at my doorstep the day it hit shelves.

 Is it good?  Oh, I don't know.... that's like asking "Does Ina love Jeffrey?"

:: Jeffrey!  Jeffrey!  Jeffrey! ::

Yup, that's right... dedication to Jeffrey... full page... right when you open it.  (We also learn in this book that besides roast chicken, Jeffrey loves green beans!)

Look, all you Ina fans know that she's not launching insanely innovative work, book after book.  It's a lot of re-treads, like: slightly different roasted vegetables, variations on pound cake (this one's in a bundt pan, not a loaf pan), her signature brownies, but topped with salted caramel this time.  But here's the thing: she's just good and her recipes are consistent and delicious.  It's like getting foolproof (ha!  she's so right!) recipes for all the foods you want to make, you just forgot about how much you wanted to make the recipes.

This is a great fall release -- it has a lot of roasted meats and vegetables and harvest-y desserts but, like all Ina books, it's an insta-classic just filled with all the normal yummy foods.

And sometimes she'll put a spin on something so standard, you're like "Why didn't I think of that?!"  For example, this is from a recipe for tomato soup.... but with a little somethin'-somethin' extra:

:: 2012 Ina: OMG-ing to the max! ::

I love her non-recipe sections where she just Ina-s out and lets us all into her world.  It's almost like we're best friends!

Here, she shares the gift she gave her friend Kristen:

Okay, on first thought, I was like "Whoa, Kristin is so lucky!!!" but then I thought if Ina was my friend and gave me that as a gift, I'd think:
1. Um, you just gave me something that's available on your website for free.  That ain't cool.
2. You make a gazillion dollars.  Can you give me something expensive, like a cool purse?

But I'd still just be stoked she was my friend.  And then wonder when I'd get to be a dinner guest on her show.

And what would an Ina book be without her Hamptons breeziness of making it all seem so accessible, and then realizing she's actually not at all like us?  There's a whole section about how she realized that she renovated her kitchen and picked the wrong sizes for her two ovens (spoiler alert: one is too big, the other is too small -- she would so rather have just two standard sized ones!)  And here's a great part about how she basically doesn't "do" freezing:

:: love the vodka and truffle butter! ::

And I want to leave you with what might be my favorite part of the book.... her friend pics!  I mean, obviously there's Jeffrey (obviously), but who are these other two white guys she hangs out with?  They are featured multiple times.


Will you get Ina's new book?  Who do you think these friends are?  Will she ever start freezing meals in advance?  What date do you think we'll meet and become close friends?  There are a million questions!!!

October 30, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Secret Chipotle Menu Items

You guys.  Did you know there's a secret menu at Chipotle? 

Apparently everyone's known about Chipotle quesadillas for a while, except for me.  But if you are the other one person on earth who doesn't know, they are delicious!  I got a quesadilla with cheese (duh), black beans, fajita vegetables and chicken, with a side of salsa and guacamole, and it was the best thing ever.

But did you also know about these secret Chipotle menu items?
  • Nachos.  Yes, nachos.  They have to put them in the warmer, so they take 10-15 minutes, but you can get nachos.
  • Quesarito.  You take a cheese quesadilla and then make that the tortilla for a burrito.  Probably not something I'm going to order, but amazing, nonetheless.
  • Taco salad.  They will fry a tortilla into a bowl, and then put your salad inside.
  • A single taco.  This isn't that exciting, but you can order just one taco.  That's kinda cool!
  • Also, you can get cilantro as a topping, and you can get free "extra" of anything except for meat and guac (those cost extra). 
 Also, I think last Halloween, Chiptole's promotion was that if you came dressed as a burrito, you got a free burrito.  But this Halloween, it's better! 

Come dressed as anything at all, and your burrito is $2!  What a steal!

October 29, 2012

Great Grab-n-Go Canvas Tote

I think all of you should buy this canvas tote:
Baggu Duck Bag

I picked one up a few months ago (in this nice nutmeg color), and it's a total game changer.

I use it for weekends when I know I'll be walking for a while and want something lighter than a leather purse, but also something that can hold a cardigan and a scarf and a snack.  But then I sometimes don't bother changing back to my normal purse during the week, and I still think it's cute enough for normal wear.  It can fit a full sized notebook or laptop or iPad, but doesn't feel cavernous if you just have a few things.

Also, it comes in a variety of super-cute colors.  And it's $24.

If it's not obvious, I'm suffering from a major case of Baggu fever.  I'm eyeing this cutie as a weekend tote:

October 24, 2012

Tip Tuesday!: An Easy Response to Panhandlers

If a Tip Tuesday falls on a Wednesday... was it even a Tip Tuesday?  For today's purposes, yes!

I think it's safe to say that most people feel uncomfortable when asked for money by someone on the street.  Which is totally natural to feel.  I work in an are where there are a lot of panhandlers every day, and the two common responses I see/hear are:
1. Walking by, igoring
2. Saying something like: "Sorry, I don't have any change/cash/thing!"

I don't like either of those responses, because (1) ignoring a human being who is trying to talk to you and make eye contact with you (when he/she is not threatening you/making you feel unsafe) is rude and (2) because the second response is usually a lie, and it's weird to lie to people.

When I would go into San Francisco with my parents as a kid, my dad always had a stock response:
"Sorry, not today."

Now, as an adult, having spent all my grown-up years in cities (and a stint working with the homeless population), I can say that I think that's a solid response, and it's now my stock response to panhandlers.

Sorry, not today.  (Oh, and you have to do it with eye contact.)

It acknowledges the person, and says no, without being a lie, or getting into some long-winded thing of "I can't give you money because I give my allotted money to charitable organizations and one of them is an organization that helps the needy, so really I've already helped!" song-and-dance.

If you feel like you want to do more but don't feel comfortable giving cash, I've heard folks say they carry some granola bars/shelf-stable foods to hand out, and I also met someone who gives McDonald's gift certificates worth a few dollars, clipped together with a card with a list of local homeless services organizations.

What do you think?  How do you respond to people who ask you for money?

October 19, 2012

Hands Down, Best Kids Halloween Costume. Ever.

Okay, I have an update to my post about kid Halloween costumes.

This has got to take the cake, by far...

These two cuties are Joaquin and Gabriella, my parents' neighbors.  I've met them once in person, but I'm basically obsessed with them, for obvious reasons.

For Halloween last year, Gabriella was Frida Kahlo, and Joaquin was "a Mariachi guy."  I love her unibrow and his black moustache with his white-blond hair.  Too flippin' cute.

:: yes, they often holds hand like that. ::

Because I often like to end with a question, I'll ask one I'm sure you can all relate to: Do your parents have neighborhood kids that you are totally obsessed with? :)

October 18, 2012

Fabulous Fall Friend Getaway: San Luis Obispo

Last weekend was a super-fun girlfriend road trip up the coast to San Luis Obispo.  Jessie and I were headed up to run a half marathon, but then decided to make a central coast weekend of it, and bring along another friend (and a dog!).  I'd never been to SLO before (except for a quick stop at the Madonna Inn, en route to NorCal), so I was very excited for our adventure.

Although it involved a lot of amazing things, like jamming to 90s mixes in the car, eating BBQ, drinking wine by a creek, a yummy spaghetti feed, watching Jiro Dreams of Sushi, and a Santa Barbara stop with lunch, fro yo and Lululemon (I know, I know... I just outdid myself), the highlight was Cider Fest at SLO Creek Farms

There was live music, apple picking, a pumpkin patch, wildflower fields, and, duh, an apple pie contest.  (After the judging was done, you could just grab a fork and taste the pies.  Sort of gross in concept, but delicious in practice.)

:: amazing fresh cider by donation.  in a mason jar, obviously. ::

:: just some dudes pressing cider :: 

:: hella pastoral ::

 :: fun bluegrass band, with lots of hula hoops out for kids to go crazy ::

:: had no idea there were this many apples on a tree at a time! ::

:: classic fall farm, guys ::

:: "havin' a blast at cider fest!  wish you were here!  -- me" ::

:: lady scarecrow... girl power! ::

And then we had (got to?) run 13 miles the next day, which was so pretty... and an amazing surprise was that the route went right past SLO Creek Farms!  Well hello, old friend!
:: friends finishing races together! ::

Any California road trip suggestions?

October 17, 2012

Quintessentially October: 3 Great October-y Things

As is well established this time of year, every year, fall is the sh*t.

Here are 3 great October-y things:

1.  Baseball!  (Go Giants)
My favorite part of watching sports is developing an emotional connection with the players and the team.  So when a friend drew my attention to this blog, I basically lost my mind.

Um, you guys, it's not just any old player blog.  It's "Brandon and Brandon: A Season with Belt and Crawford" -- Giants Brandon Belt and Brandon Crawford's blog.  Love.

And they talk about the game, but also about team friendships and locker room dynamics (The real scoop on Pence's Friday Night Lights-esque pep talks!), hanging out with their wives, and going to Chipotle on the road so they don't need to take forever at a restaurant.  (Seriously, Chipotle is mentioned multiple times.  I love it so much!)

:: first baseman Brandon Belt and wife!! ::

:: shortstop Brandon Crawford and pregnant wife and puppies!!! ::

 2.  Kid Halloween Costumes
It's no secret: I'm obsessed with kids and babies in costumes.  Lucky for me, Jordan at Oh Happy Day has been doing a series on the cutest kid costumes, like, ever.  Check out the whole Homemade Halloween Series here, but here are some of the absolute cutest:

Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Me, dying of the cuteness.)

3.  Seasonal Decorating
Pumpkins 'n gourds.  Gourds 'n pumpkins.  Ain't it all just grand?

Emily Henderson did a great roundup of 22 New and Creative Ways to DIY Your Pumpkins.  Check it out.  Here's just a tiny preview (there are 17 other really cool ideas too):

And, while we're talking about gourds, please laugh out loud while you read (or, for most of you, re-read) this hilarious McSweeneys piece.

What's your favorite October-y thing?

October 16, 2012

Tip Tuesday!: No More Sunscreen in Your Eyes

Do you know what the worst thing is?  Sweating sunscreen into your eyes.  Especially when you're sweating because you're exercising and you have 3 miles left of your run and the only thing you can think about is how THERE IS SUNSCREEN ALL UP IN YOUR EYES AND YOUR WICKING SHIRT ISN'T GOOD AT DRYING YOUR FACE OFF AND DISLODGING THE SUNSCREEN FROM YOUR EYES AND WHY WON'T THIS SUNSCREEN EVER GET OUT OF YOUR EYES.  GAAAAAAAH!!!!

:: Homeboy, I relate. ::

Okay, this tip is for a very specific audience, but I think it's a good one:
It's for those who exercise outdoors and wear a hat while doing so.  And wear sunscreen.  Basically, I'm writing a tip for myself.  But I hope it will resonate with some reader out there and change his or her life the way it changed mine.

Are you ready?

Only apply sunscreen below your eyes!  You can go up to the top of your nose and around your temples, but don't put sunscreen anywhere where it will sweat down into your eyes.

Because you're wearing a hat, that part of your face is covered with the hat and/or perfectly shaded.

It works like a charm.


October 11, 2012

The Cutest "I'm moving!" Note of All Time. Ever.

I received The Cutest "I'm moving!" note.... of all time.... ever yesterday.

Wouldn't a note like this just perk up your day?  It makes me so excited for my friend's move!

Why hello there,

You are receiving this note because I will soon be shifting my coordinates by a baker's dozen of miles. At some point in history we have shared time and space together, which has in turn breathed life into the times and spaces when we've been apart. 

Telling you where to find me is the very least I can do. 

[her new address was here]

Please come by to visit so I can give you lemons and hugs and pour drinks and make snacks for you.

Or, for those of you at a distance, if you send me a letter I promise to sow wild flower seeds in your honor in my backyard. By the time you visit next, there may be a bouquet just waiting with your name on it.

Yours! Truly!
Next time I move, I am now very motivated to step it up in my "Hey, I have a new address" correspondence.  What a lovely example!

October 10, 2012

Zara Home Collection

You guys, you guys, you guys... Zara just released Zara Home in the United States and it's reeeeeally good.  (Thanks Oh Happy Day for the tip!)

Zara's clothes never fit me (and also I think they're not that cute (and sometimes tacky) and sort of more expensive than what I think Zara should be charging?), but I always like the idea of Zara and the great news is most of the stuff at Zara Home looks to be really cute and classic in a unique way.  Sort of like Anthropologie but without as much insane zaney "AAAAAAAAH A GIRL LIVES HERE AND I'M ZOOEY DESCHANEL AND I ALSO AM A KOOKY LIBRARIAN AND I LIKE BIG FLORALS AND MORACCAN THEMED THINGS!!!!!!" kind of way. 

More like in a this kind of way... subtle with some whimsy:
:: 1. Costa Throw $59.90  2.  Allan Tumbler $7.90 each  3.  Marta Flatware $9.90 per piece  
4.  Duck Pitcher $99.90  5.  Senise Towel $39.90 ::

So cute, right?!  Prices are... okay, I think.  For unique stylish pieces, it's a reasonable price point to jazz up your home a bit with these personality-ful pieces.  (Oh also, yes, thanks for noticing!  That is my first collage!)

Also, free shipping during October!  Might be hard to resist...

Oh, and in case you were thinking "Whoa, did Zara just get 100% classy and not at all Euro-tacky?", don't lose sleep!  This shirt was also featured on the site (yes, the Zara Home site):
 :: Leopardo T-shirt (aptly named) $59.90 ($59.90?!) ::

Please please please tell me if you buy anything from Zara Home!  Can't wait to hear all about it.