November 29, 2011

Hunger Games Map. Yay!

Guys, it took 11 months of telling everyone I knew to read The Hunger Games trilogy, but finally, everyone I know is reading it/has read it.  THANK YOU, GUYS.  FINALLY.  I TOLD YOU IT WAS GOOD!  This great news is especially timely, because since the trailer came out for the movie (March 23 is so in my calendar), I’ve re-gone through that phase where basically all I want to talk about is The Hunger Games to anyone who will converse with me.  


When my husband read the books (finally!), he gently but firmly told me: “Look, I know you want to be Katniss.  But… it would never happen.  You would be Rue.  Or Prim.  Or actually… maybe the Game Maker [Seneca Crane].”  All of which I’ll take.  Gladly.

But guys, I have a fun HG treat for you, straight from the magic of the world wide web: a fan art map of Panem!  No idea if it’s accurate, but it seems pretty good, and I am really enjoying it. 

Maria Rizzoni, I love you, whoever you are.

In case you need a refresher on which district does what:
District 1- Luxury
District 2- Masonry 
District 3- Electronics 
District 4- Fishing 
District 5- Power 
District 6- Transportation 
District 7- Lumber 
District 8- Textiles 
District 9- Grain 
District 10- Livestock 
District 11- Agriculture 
District 12- Coal Mining 

And if you live under a rock and haven’t seen it (or are just a normal person who’s already obsessed and wants to see it again), here’s the trailer:

If I were in charge of this movie’s ad campaign, it would probably be this:
Hunger Games: Guys, KIDZ KILLING KIDZ.  You guys.  Hunger Games.


  1. I'm definitly not Katniss either. With my luck I'd probably be Clove... maybe Glimmer on a good day. ;) Or maybe the soup lady...

  2. Can I just wait to see the movie? I never love YA books that adults love.

  3. Guys, do I have to be Lavinia the redheaded Avox girl just because I'm a ginger?

    Also, I love that map, but I'm pretty sure it's suffering from some topographical issues, regarding sea level. Liiiiike, pretty sure that unless there's a giant wall built around Panem, it's not really possible for sea level to have risen to the levels depicted there but still leaving open some of the land that is above water. For example--CA and the Sierras are underwater, but most of Texas is still cool.


  4. Halie: you could totally be a career! Also, Travis said: "So, the Careers are totally boning each other during the Games, right?". I hadn't thought about it... But no, right??

    Kerry: sigh. I guess. But they're so, so good.

    Tara: you could be Foxface! And I'm not commenting on you map criticism.

  5. So happy to see the map and know that others my age enjoy these books as I did. I'm terrified to live in a Hunger Games world. I guess I could be Katniss and Prim's mom, i like fresh herbs. xo, LEH

  6. Lydia, I love it! Perfect role for you :) I've never heard of anyone picking that part... but you really nailed it!

  7. A few things...

    I was late to the Hunger Games bandwagon. I a) can't stop thinking about the book b) just watched the trailer on your blog for the first time and got mega GOOSEBUMPS.

    One thing about the trailer. Katniss is played by the girl from Like Crazy. The slighted second tier girlfriend who I felt a little bad for - but mostly because she looks like one of my friends and I WOULD have been super sad for her. Anyway, total makeover or makeunder(?) I guess it depends on your type or look you're going for.

    I think The Hunger Games is a biography of Julie Kang renamed Katniss Everdeen in a parallel universe. Did I just call myself a badass? Yeah, sorta.
